In 2024, the Yuan Foundation continues to organzie two competitons, including:

1)”Write to Your Representatives” Program

Launched in 2022, this program encourages high school students to participate in civic activities by identifying, researching, and analyzing community or social issues, comparing them to existing policies, and proposing innovative solutions. This initiative aims to enhance civic engagement and leadership skills, empowering students to make a positive impact on their communities. Participants will earn 20 hours SSL after submitting. For more information, please visit the “Write to Your Representatives” webpage.

2)”Yes! Young Entrepreneurs Solutions: Business Plan Competition”

ILF (International Leader Foundation) and Yuan Foundation have organized the AAPI Business Plan Competition annually since 2018. Our goal is to empower high school students to develop innovative business ideas that positively impact society. This competition provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to present their ideas and enhance their soft skills and entrepreneurial mindset. For more information, please visit the Yes! Young Entrepreneurs Solutions: Business Plan Competition” webpage.